Spans Protection

We provide optimal security for your home or business

Thanks to Spans, you will know immediately if something goes wrong. This allows you to take action faster and more effectively.

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Scutum logo

Since 2021, Spans Protection has been part of Scutum.

Certified installer

Spans Protection has been awarded the INCERT quality label, which ensures that our products and services are of the highest quality

Electronic security of home and business

We’ll take care of it.

Good security for a home or business prevents problems in the future:

Electronische beveiliging België - Electronic security Belgium - Protection électronique Belgique

Looking for expert advice on the security of your property?

Contact us

Our contact details

Brusselsesteenweg 143,
3090 Overijse (B)

+32 (0)2 767 60 82

Opening hours (offices)
Mo-Thu 8:00 – 12:00 / 13:00 – 17:00
Fri 8:00 – 12:00 / 13:00 – 16:30

BTW: BE 0432.278.025
Licenced security company